Thursday, August 19, 2010


August has been a busy month so far, we had some beautiful weddings in the heart garden, best wishes to those that got married.

We were booked solid for August long weekend, I hope it is at least half as good for September long weekend.As people start to get their children ready for school which goes back in session in less than a month, things will start to slow down. We have had visitors form everywhere, we had a couple all the way from Australia just the other day. So we enjoy hearing where you're from and how far you have traveled to come see us. We also enjoy seeing the B.C. and the Alberta travelers.

But wild fires have slowed down on the traveling a little bit, the weather has been a little nasty, with the smoke and the ash. There are days that we can't see the lake through the smoke. At least the fires are not too close so we don't have to worry too much. Our thoughts are with the ones that the fires are effecting! But we do like see the die hard campers that will come rain or smoke.

So we are looking forward to seeing the campers that are planning on coming to see us in the next couple of months. - B

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